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Financial Fair

29 October 2019

On Oct. 29 a Financial Fair took place at Dordoy Plaza, coinciding with the World Saving Day.  The event was attended by "Bank of Asia" and other 16 banks and micro-credit companies of the country. 

Each of the financial institutions gave a presentation and advised people on financial literacy and savings. As part of its presentation, the Bank of Asia invited guests to learn how to properly invest and what financial means to use to accumulate the coveted amount, instead of hiding the money under the mattress.

In addition, with personal interaction with visitors, Bank of Asia organized an interesting game. Participants needed to find individual letters hidden in the department store to have #накопи1000000. The first to collect all of the letters received branded cookies and a cash prize. 

Also there was a photo station with a fake case of million dollars so that the visitors could take memorable pictures and imagine themselves as millionaires. Those who posted the most original pictures online with the hashtag #накопи1000000 would receive a financial table game from the bank.

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